Tooth Bonding Hoffman Estates, IL

Do you have stained, damaged, or discolored teeth? Tooth bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure in our Hoffman Estates, IL office that can improve the aesthetics of damaged teeth. This treatment can help rebuild the tooth structure and lighten the appearance of teeth by several shades.

Dental bonding uses a long-lasting composite resin that we adhere and shape to teeth. We color-match this material and ensure it matches your tooth shape.

Tooth Bonding Hoffman Estates, IL

What Does Dental Bonding Treat?

Bonding can treat many cosmetic problems. Tooth bonding can address the following:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Fractured teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth

Bonding is an alternative to veneers that cover discolored and damaged teeth with tooth-colored materials. We often recommend bonding if you have a chipped or cracked tooth. Teeth bonding can also cover a stained tooth in your smile zone.

Is Tooth Bonding Right for Me?

Tooth bonding treats minor to moderate tooth damage. It may be suitable for cosmetic issues like chipped, cracked, stained, or misshapen teeth. For patients with severe tooth damage, Dr. Dhara Patel may recommend dental crowns or extractions.

Evaluate your overall dental health before considering tooth bonding. If you have extensive decay, gum disease, or structural damage to your teeth, bonding may not be appropriate. In such cases, our dentist will prioritize these underlying dental issues before recommending a tooth bonding procedure. To be a candidate for dental bonding treatment, you must be healthy but want to treat minor cosmetic concerns.

Before treatment, Dr. Patel will examine your teeth and gums and consider your budget, goals, and oral health. If you would be a good candidate for tooth bonding, call Best Dental Spa at 847.660.6603.

Treatment with Tooth Bonding in Hoffman Estates, IL

Dr. Patel will clean your smile and prepare the tooth or teeth receiving the tooth bonding material. Tooth preparation entails removing a small part of the tooth structure. Preparation allows the composite resin to adhere to the surface of your teeth. The preparation will not hurt because we remove so little of the tooth structure for the bonding material.

Then, our dentist applies the resin and shapes it to the tooth, matching the natural contours of the smile. Our dentist cures the tooth using a special bonding light. Finally, our dentist shines the tooth for a natural and brighter look. Air abrasion may fix any imperfections.

After you complete dental bonding treatment, schedule regular dental checkups to maintain the health and appearance of your smile. Caring for your bonded tooth will ensure your results stay bright and natural-looking.

Tooth Bonding FAQs

Learn more about tooth bonding by reading answers to patients’ common questions about their bonding treatment below.

How long does tooth bonding last?

Depending on the tooth’s location, tooth bonding can last 4 to 8 years. However, remember that it’s not as permanent as its counterpart, porcelain veneers. To maintain your tooth bonding results for as long as possible, follow these tips:

  • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss at least once daily to remove plaque and debris between your teeth and along your gum line.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that may stain your teeth. Dark-colored beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and soda can stain your bonded teeth. Limit your intake of highly pigmented foods like berries and tomato-based sauces.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can cause discoloration and stains on bonded teeth and impact the overall health of your teeth and gums.
  • Be mindful of what you bite or chew. Avoid biting hard objects like ice, pens, or fingernails, as they can damage the bonding material. Similarly, avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods that may cause the bonding to chip or come loose.
  • Protect against grinding and clenching. If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, consider wearing a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth and bonding. These habits can put pressure on your bonded teeth and weaken the bonding material.
  • Continue regular dental visits. Visit your dentist for regular checkups and professional cleanings. They can assess the condition of your bonding and make any necessary repairs or touch-ups.
  • Report any issues to your dentist promptly. If you notice any changes in the appearance or integrity of your bonding, such as chipping, roughness, or discoloration, visit your dentist as soon as possible to address the issue before it worsens.

Does tooth bonding hurt?

Tooth bonding does not hurt as the treated area is not sensitive. You will not feel pain during the procedure and should not feel any discomfort at all after the treatment. We can numb your tooth before bonding treatment.

Does tooth bonding break easily?

The tooth-bonding biocomposite material is not easily breakable unless you clench or grind your teeth. If you suffer from bruxism or teeth grinding, tell Dr. Patel. He can help treat the condition at the source.

Can you eat normally with dental bonding?

Patients should immediately avoid eating any hard or chewy foods after the bonding procedure. After a few days, patients may start to slowly experiment with the strength and capabilities of their bond. It takes a week or two to adjust to eat normally and adjust to the feeling.

Is dental bonding good for my teeth?

Ultimately, dental bonding can protect your teeth and prevent further tooth damage. You may sustain damage from biting and chewing if you already have a worn or cracked tooth. Tooth wear and damage can increase the risk of harmful bacteria entering and affecting the tooth. Bonding adds a protective layer, creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

How do I care for my composite bond?

Patients with bonds are told to avoid foods and drinks that may stain them. These include tomatoes, tea, coffee, wine, candy, etc. They also should practice a strong and consistent oral care routine and schedule regular dental cleanings.

If possible, patients with tooth bonding should also avoid smoking and drinking through straws. The sucking motion used during smoking or sipping through straws can damage the bonding material.

Repair Teeth Today

Fix chips, cracks, and other signs of tooth damage with a dental bonding treatment. Call 847.660.6603 for comfortable tooth bonding treatment at Best Dental Spa in Hoffman Estates, IL. You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Patel online today.

Let us know if you have any questions for our office; we are here to help you find the best treatment for your smile.